Had a camp day at church. THese pics are water balloon volleyball and I am playing California Couples Kickball with Trey. I know that has to bring back memories for all of you who have gone to camp with us over the years!
I have gotten to have a sleepover with Will (our grandson) and some babysitting. By the way, Will likes Pop better than Lolli (me) right now. Surely the tide will change for me soon!!! Everyone knows I am more fun than Ed!
Our church is doing amazing and really growing. What I really want to focus on is last Saturday. We had an outreach at the Boy's and Girl's club where we have our youth church every week. We had blues and burgers. It was a ton of work but it was so worth it! We had Mike Pritchard and Mark Walney do our blues music, we had a lot of give-aways and a full cookout and then our youth ended it with 2 human videos and Ed gave an altar call. Here we were right out in the great outdoors and 72 people came forward to give their lives to Jesus. Something that was really cool was we had a Tech civic organization come volunteer to help us and three of them got saved! By the time we got everything cleaned up and put up we had spent 9 hours that day on the outreach. I was reflecting on it as I drove home and I thought about all the things I had done the week before and realized that Saturday was my best time spent in a while! I don't think we can really fathom how the face of all eternity changes when someone accepts Jesus. I am so blessed to have such an amazing church family who will get outside the four walls, work hard and love people! It is wonderful what is accomplished when we get together in unity.