Ed and I had the privilege to go to Nebraska to speak at a youth camp last week. I wanted to communicate my thoughts as I was taking off and then some of retrospect.
Ed surprised me and upgraded our tickets to first class. It was my first time to be in first class. It was wonderful! I didn't want the plane to land (for those of you who know me well you know that is a miracle)! I was so exhausted when I got on the plane and the chair was soooo comfortable. I'm pretty sure it had a lumbar. I wanted to fully relish the experience so I tried not to sleep. Right off the bat the flight attendant brought us warm nuts in a glass bowl and a drink in a glass. It was yummy! After finishing the snack I decided to get my blanket and take a little nap. I hadn't been asleep long when I was awoken by an amazing smell. I knew I recognized it but I had never smelled anything so wonderful on a plane. Shortly after the smell arrived a warm chocolate chip cookie and water in a mini wine glass.
WOW! I couldn't believe what has been going on just a few rows in front of me all of this time. I began to wonder... how do I cross back to regular class now? I don't want to go back to where I used to be. I drift forward to my next few weeks of youth camps and I hope that I will have as strong of feeling about not going back to where I used to be. I am always as ministered to as the students at camp. Everyone should get to go to camp! I want to get what God has for me and resit going back to my old ways as much as I am going to resist going back to coach when I fly back home.
Camp is now over and I have a continuation. God showed up! He spoke so many things to me that I don't have time to write them all. My life was changed and challenged once again by young people giving it all up for God. One night in particular was very powerful as students stood up on their chairs and declared how they would be different when they got home. I am different. God spoke to me and told me that I am a collector of people not a collector of stuff. I'm collecting!
A funny thing happened when I flew home, I had to come home earlier than expected without Ed. He told me that I was still on first class and to check in at the first class station at the airport. When I got up there the lady asked where my husband was and I told her that he couldn't fly with me. She went on to inform me that I was being bumped back down to coach, I couldn't go first class without Ed. The she said in a hateful tone "you arn't gold or platnim are you?" I had to admit that I was not. In front of all the other first class passengers she had to continue to tell me how that I did not belong there. I wanted to yell out "I never want to sit in first class again!" but it would have been a lie) I was so tired that I nearly started to cry but regained my composure. I sadly went back to coach. As I read what I had written about my travel there I feel even stronger that I never want to go backwards, I want to keep moving up where God has things planned for me that I could have never imagined.
6 months ago