Wow describes this experience in my life! I left for my walk less than 48 hours after I returned from Mardi Gras where I had only had from 3 to 5 hours of sleep a night on a blow up bed in a gym with about 75 other ladies. My friend, Kimmy picked me up on Thursday at 5:00 PM, I had to say goodbye to my watch and my phone until 5:00 PM on Sunday. I had no idea what to expect but I was excited and a little anxious. I had been out of town and was leaving again hoping that I had left nothing undone. So here I go for 3 days not knowing anyone or anything that is going to happen. The first night was hard, I had a hard time going to sleep thinking of all the things I should be doing. Finally I just decided that I had to give it all to God and go with this. As far as I could tell there wasn't anyone that I could bribe to let me use their phone. On Friday morning I jumped all in and I am so glad that I did. God showed me more things about myself that He wanted to change, He brought new friends into my life and overwhelmed me with His love and grace. It was one of the most valuable times that I have had with the Lord. It was youth camp X's 100! Those of you who know how much I love youth camp can understand this.
I cried on and off for what seemed like hours (who knows because I never knew what time it was)I was so taken with God's goodness to me! I would like to reflect right here. What would our devotionals, church services, outreaches, time with friends and family look like if we didn't have a watch? I was very convicted of how I have restricted God's voice in my life by the next thing that I need or want to get on to. I am trying to just chill and enjoy His presence more.
This weekend had tons of surprises. I love surprises!!!
It was full of God changing my thinking to better thinking, His thinking.
I came home with a new gratitude for Jesus and all of the great people He has put in my life. It was overwhelming that I had friends who love me so much that they would make this happen for me and my friends and family who wrote me letters of encouragement. I came home feeling so humbled and loved. I will be doing this for many others!
My next blog will tell of a more specific work that God did in me...don't miss it!
5 months ago